Randy & Kelli Ayres

Randy and Kelli Ayres have served as the Senior Pastors of Cross Mountain Church since 2002. During that time, Cross Mountain has grown to welcome 1200 people at their weekend gatherings, and is known for its life-giving culture and focus on leading people to an intimate relationship with God.

Pastor Randy and Kelli have a deep passion for developing leaders and serving their community. Kelli serves as a mentor to high school students in the community, as well as, volunteering weekly at an inner-city elementary school. Randy, serves as a Board Member of SAMMs Ministries, a non-profit organization in San Antonio that is focused on overcoming homelessness in our city. They both also love leading and investing in the Cross Mountain Staff and in the next generation.

In 2018, they founded Cross Mountain College, a ministry school that trains and launches students into full-time ministry careers. Randy and Kelli have been married since 1993 and have three boys: Austyn, Dylan and Logan.


24891 Boerne Stage Road | San Antonio, TX 78255
