1Hope Christmas Party

1Hope Christmas Party

1Hope Christmas Party
December 9
11:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Cross mountain church is so excited to be partnering with  1 Hope for kids this Christmas season!  1 Hope for kids is a foster care and adoption agency in Bexar County and surrounding areas.  For more information on 1 Hope please visit 1Hopeforkids.org “Until Every Child Has a Home.”
We will be providing a carnival themed party for hundreds of 1 Hope foster families with food, fun, and gifts for everyone.

Here is a list of our serving opportunities for you to be a part of on December 9th.
-Set-up Team
-Check-in/Host Team (18+)
- Large Carnival Games (14+)

- Small Carnival Games (Kid Friendly)
-Gifts Team
-Food Team (Kid Friendly)
-Parking lot Team
-Clean Up Team
-Put me anywhere


**Must Be 10 or Older to Serve**
If you are bringing your kids to serve alongside you make sure you sign them up as well.
Will provide child care for dream team
Must let us know about children needing Childcare beforehand
Thank you for being a part of this amazing opportunity.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to hailey.mccormick@crossmountain.church


24891 Boerne Stage Road | San Antonio, TX 78255
